Technical Excellence

With an award winning chassis and data telemetry system, our team is dedicated to providing innovative technical knowledge and a context in which to apply it.

Environmental Leadership

We recognize the urgency of the global warming crisis, and we are dedicated to combatting this by evolving transportation through renewable energy sources.

Community Engagement

We prioritize creating a welcoming environment for engineers to collaborate, share ideas, and apply concepts learned in classes in a practical setting.

Who Is Bruin Supermileage

Bruin Supermileage builds and competes with two vehicles every year: an Electric Vehicle (EV) and an Internal Combustion or Gas Vehicle (GV). We compete in the Shell Eco-marathon Americas competition, where we are challenged to design, build, and race the most fuel-efficient vehicles. We strive to push the boundaries of what is technically possible, giving students invaluable experience and real world engineering skills. With a focus on improving energy efficiency, we help reduce the harmful environmental effects of gasoline combustion.

Each spring, Bruin SMV travels across the country to compete in the Shell Eco-Marathon Americas Competition. The Marathon involves over 1,000 students from all over the world coming together at the Indianapolis Motor Speedway. This results in a total of over 100 vehicles attempting the Speedway's 16 kilometer track. Teams can choose from an array of energy options, from battery electric to hydrogen fuel cell, with the end goal of using minimal energy in different fuel and vehicle classes to complete the course.

EV Competition
m/kwh energy
GV Competition
mpg fuel